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How to make HQ Animated GIF's in flash

Making High Quality GIF's have become easy!

In this tutorial i will show you how to take that HQ flash file and make it into a animated gif.
I will be using this for an example.

Sig n

-First, you need to open flash and create a new flash document. The dimensions i used are 325x100. The background needs to be set to backdrop you want to match.

-Then make whatever animation in flash you want. Make sure not to use over 40 frames otherwise you'll endup making a ridiculously huge .gif file.

-This is the hard part, if you used any tweens or fades i your animation it will come up looking something like this when you save it as a regular GIF.

[Image: SIG.gif]

Granted it doesnt look bad but it is LQ, thats where this TUT comes in
-When you export your GIF, instead of saving it as a Animated GIF, make a new folder and save it as a JPEG sequence. You need the new folder cause when you save, it will take each frame and make it into a .JPEG.
-Make your quality settings whatever you want, for this i did 325x100, 36dpi, and 75 quality.
Now that you have your JPEG sequence, you need to compile it into a HQ GIF. For that you can use Gimp. Located here- http://www.gimp.org/ . I find it to be the easiest to use.
-Open gimp.
-Go file/Open as layers OR Ctrl+Alt+O
-If you want to see your animation go filters/animation/playback
-If everything looks good go File/save as
-Select file type GIF image
-A dialog box will pop up, select Save as animation. Leave the rest alone
-Click Export
-Check Loop forever, And if you want to change its speed change the delay value up or down in M/s and Use delay for all frames
-UN-check Gif comment
-Save it and your done, upload and enjoy


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  1. To make high-quality animated GIFs in Flash, I start by creating smooth animations using frame-by-frame or tweening. Then, I export the file as a GIF, optimizing the settings for size and clarity. This precision is similar to crafting stories in ghost book writing.

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